Invited Speakers
Some of lecture titles are tentative and subject to change.
●Keynote Lecture 1December 1, 2019

Anticarcinogenic and chemopreventive substances in food: An update
Young-Joon SurhDirector & Professor
Tumor Microenvironment Global Core Research Center
College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University
Korea Short Biography

Young-Joon Surh
Director & Professor
Tumor Microenvironment Global Core Research Center
College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University
Director & Professor
Tumor Microenvironment Global Core Research Center
College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University
Professor Young-Joon Surh currently serves as Director of Tumor Microenvironment Global Core Research Center, Seoul National University. He graduated from College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University with BS and MS degrees, and earned a PhD degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison followed by postdoctoral training at MIT. Prof. Surh worked as a tenure-track Assistant Professor at Yale University School of Medicine, before relocation to Korea. Prof. Surh’s research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of cancer chemoprevention with natural products. Prof. Surh has published more than 350 papers in peer-reviewed international journals. The total number of citations of his publications is about 20,000 with the H-Index 75. Prof. Surh received numerous awards including McCormic Science Institute Award from American Society for Nutrition and the Distinguished Scientist Award given by President of South Korea. He currently serves as President of Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology, the largest academic society in the biomedical area in Korea.
●Keynote Lecture 2December 1, 2019

Cancer prevention by food-derived phytochemicals
Zigang DongThe Hormel Institute
The University of Minnesota
USA Short Biography

Zigang Dong
The Hormel Institute
The University of Minnesota
The Hormel Institute
The University of Minnesota
Dr. Dong has a Doctor of Public Health degree from Columbia University in New York and post-doctoral training at the National Cancer Institute. He has served as a member on many grant application review study sections with the National Institutes of Health and has published more than 350 articles in prestigious journals such as Nature, Nature Structure and Molecular Biology, Nature Cancer Reviews, Science Signaling, Cancer Research, PNAs, and Molecular Cell. He also serves as a member of editorial board, editor or associate editor of several journals including Cancer Research, Carcinogenesis, Molecular Carcinogenesis, Cancer Prevention Research, and JBC. He has many years of experience and is a world leader in the elucidation of molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis, cancer development and prevention. His research interests include the identification of molecular and cellular mechanisms and targets in carcinogenesis and chemoprevention.
●Keynote Lecture 3December 1, 2019

Novel physiological function of bile acid and a food factor that mimics its function
Ryuichiro SatoProfessor
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry
The University of Tokyo
Japan Short Biography

Ryuichiro Sato
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry
The University of Tokyo
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry
The University of Tokyo
- 1980
- Graduated from The University of Tokyo
- 1985
- Ph. D. degree at The University of Tokyo
- 1986
- Assistant Professor at Teikyo University
- 1990
- Research fellow at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- 1994
- Lecturer at Teikyo University
- 1995
- Associate Professor at Osaka University
- 1999
- Associate Professor at The University of Tokyo
- 2004
- Professor at The University of Tokyo
●Keynote Lecture 4December 1, 2019

Contribution of plant food bioactives in promoting health effects of plant foods - why look at interindividual variability?
Christine MorandNational Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France
Department of Human Nutrition – University of Clermont-Auvergne.
France Short Biography

Christine Morand
National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France
Department of Human Nutrition – University of Clermont-Auvergne.
National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France
Department of Human Nutrition – University of Clermont-Auvergne.
Christine MORAND is full research director at INRA, in the Human Nutrition Unit of Clermont-Ferrand, where she leads a group focusing on plant food bioactives and vascular health. She is working for more than fifteen years in the field of Nutrition & Health, to establish the role of dietary polyphenols in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases through a translational approach, combining human intervention studies, animal experiments and mechanistic studies. She belonged to the INRA research groups’ that has initiated the 1st International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (Vichy, 2003) and in 2015 she chaired its 7th edition (Tours, France). She also chaired the COST-Action POSITIVe-FA1403 (2014-2018), addressing the complexity of the interindividual variation in response (bioavailability and bioactivity) to the consumption of plant food bioactives in relation to cardiometabolic health ( Currently, she is the Chief Editor of the journal Food and Function (Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK).
●Keynote Lecture 5December 1, 2019

Dietary polyphenols for cardiovascular health
Kevin D CroftPhD, University of Western Australia, 1978
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Australia Short Biography

Kevin D Croft
PhD, University of Western Australia, 1978
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
PhD, University of Western Australia, 1978
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Prof Kevin Croft is a Professorial Fellow and Head of Division of Cardiovascular Science in the School of Biomedical Science at the University of Western Australia. He has active research interests in nutritional biochemistry, biomarkers of oxidative damage, the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and the mechanism of vascular protection by dietary polyphenols. He has served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Royal Society of Chemistry journal Food and Function from 2013-2017. He has over 300 peer reviewed publications. He was on the advisory group that put together the National Heart Foundation of Australia position statement on "Antioxidants in foods, drinks and supplements for cardiovascular health" .
●Keynote Lecture 6December 1, 2019

Phenolipids in food: bioactivities and health effects
Fereidoon ShahidiMemorial University of Newfoundland
Canada Short Biography

Fereidoon Shahidi
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Dr. Fereidoon Shahidi, earned his PhD in physical-organic chemistry from McGill University in 1977 and was a senior research associate and an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto. In 1987, he joined the Department of Biochemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) where he now serves as a University Research Professor, the highest academic level at MUN. He is the author of over 850 research papers and book chapters, has authored or edited 76 (7 in press) books, and 10 patents. His findings have advanced the frontiers of research in lipid, lipid oxidation and its prevention, phenolics and antioxidants. He has received numerous awards from different societies and has served on and chaired many committees, both nationally and internationally. He is currently the elected chair and a former member of the Scientific Council of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST). Dr. Shahidi serves as the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Food Bioactives and the journal of Food Production, Processing and Nutrition. Shahidi is the principal founder of the International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF) and Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Functional Foods for which he served in that capacity for 10 years. He served as an editorial board member and an Editor of Food Chemistry for a quarter of a century. He was also the principal founder of the Nutraceutical and Functional Food Division of IFT. Professor Shahidi has served as a member of the Expert Advisory Panel of Health Canada on Standards of Evidence for Health Claims for Foods, and a member of the Washington-based Council of Agricultural Science and Technology on Nutraceuticals. He has also trained numerous graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research associates and scholars from around the globe who are now his colleagues in over a dozen countries in 5 continents.
●Opening LectureDecember 1, 2019

Development and application of novel biomarkers for human studies of functional food factors
Toshihiko OsawaResearch Professor
Department of Health and Nutrition
Faculty of Psycological & Physical Science
Aichi Gakuin University
Japan Short Biography

Toshihiko Osawa
Research Professor
Department of Health and Nutrition
Faculty of Psycological & Physical Science
Aichi Gakuin University
Research Professor
Department of Health and Nutrition
Faculty of Psycological & Physical Science
Aichi Gakuin University
Dr. Osawa received Ph.D degree from Tokyo University, and receive as Research Fellowship of Australian National University in 1974. In 1978, he was appointed as Assistant Professor at Nagoya University, then promoted to Associate Professor in 1987 and Professor in 1995. After retirement of Professor of Nagoya University, he was appointed as Professor of Aichi Gakuin University in 2010, and now Research Professor of Aichi Gakuin University, and also Professor of University of Human Arts and Sciences and Professor Emeritus of Nagoya University.
He published more than 310 scientific papers and more than 200 review papers and books.
Currently he focused on the research of mechanism of oxidative stress by application of chemical and immunochemical methods and role of functional food factors for disease prevention.
He published more than 310 scientific papers and more than 200 review papers and books.
Currently he focused on the research of mechanism of oxidative stress by application of chemical and immunochemical methods and role of functional food factors for disease prevention.
●Plenary Lecture 1December 2, 2019

Prevention of NCD by marine nutraceuticals and the future direction
Kazuo MiyashitaFaculty of Fisheries Sciences
Hokkaido University
Japan Short Biography

Kazuo Miyashita
Faculty of Fisheries Sciences
Hokkaido University
Faculty of Fisheries Sciences
Hokkaido University
Kazuo Miyashita is a Professor in Department of Bio-resources Chemistry, Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan. He earned his B.S. in Agriculture Science from Tohoku University, Japan, in 1979, and his Ph.D. from Tohoku University in 1985. He worked for Hokkaido University as Instructor (1985-1995), Associate Professor (1995-2000), and Professor (2000-current). He has got many scientific awards such as: Japanese Oil Chemists’ Society Award, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science Award, International Society for Nutraceutical and Functional Foods (ISNFF) Award, Technology Innovation Award from the Japanese Society for Marine Biotechnology, Fellow of the American Chemical Society (Agricultural & Food Chemistry Division), and Kaufmann Memorial Lecture Award from International Society for Fat Research. His lab’s work has been recognized by many scientific papers. The achievement has been published more than 180 pure reviewed papers, 3 book editions, 50 book chapters, 50 reviews, and 20 patents.
●Plenary Lecture 2December 2, 2019

Linking chemical measurements with sensorial correlates to understand consumer liking and product quality
Alyson E. MitchellUniversity of California Davis
USA Short Biography

Alyson E. Mitchell
University of California Davis
University of California Davis
Dr. Mitchell is a Professor of Food Chemistry and Master Advisor of the Food Science major at the University of California Davis. She co-directs the Food Safety and Measurement Facility and is Secretary of the Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division (AGFD) of the American Chemical Society. She is a recipient of the John Kinsella Endowment in Food and Nutrition, and is a Fellow in the AGFD of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Mitchell’s has achieved national and international recognition for her research investigating chemical reactions and changes in composition that occur in fruits, vegetables and nuts as a result of breeding, pre- and post-harvest processing and developing MS methods for identifying and quantifying target and nontarget secondary plant metabolites for authentication, safety and biological relevance. Her research has been featured in the New York Times, BBC News, The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, along with others.
●Plenary Lecture 3December 3, 2019

Helicobacter pylori infection and food bioactives
Chin-Kun WangChung Shan Medical University
Taiwan Short Biography

Chin-Kun Wang
Chung Shan Medical University
Chung Shan Medical University
Dr. Chin-Kun Wang is a distinguished professor in Chung Shan Medical University, Past President of International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF), Fellow of International Academy of Food Science & Technology, Fellow of ISNFF, Honorary President of Nutrition Society of Taiwan, Chair, GIANUAF, Global Harmonization Initiative. He got his Ph.D. degree from National Taiwan University and worked at Chung Shan Medical University in 1993. In 1996, he promoted as a full professor, and then took the positions of the chair, dean, vice president and president in Chung Shan Medical University. His research work is focused on human clinical trials and human metabolism of medicine, nutritional supplement, nutraceuticals, herbs, and functional foods. He got the National Award of Biomedicine for his great contribution to the medical education in 2008. He was also honored as 2012-19 Who’s who in the world, Who’s who in Asia, and 2009-2010, 2011-18 Who’s who in Medicine and Healthcare. He also got the awards of outstanding research from several societies from 2009 to 2019. Dr. Chin-Kun Wang was the former president of Nutrition Society of Taiwan (from 2009 to 2012). For food safety and nutrition, he promoted the legislation for school sanitary law and national nutrition law. During the food safety problem in Taiwan, he jointed as a director of ILSI Taiwan and ambassador of Global Harmonization Initiative to communicate with the media and press. He believes that scientific evidence is the best support for food safety and world nutrition problem. In the future, he tries his best to work together with the scientists around the world by network.
●Plenary Lecture 4December 3, 2019

Impact of calcium-sensing receptor toward to gut health and metabolic disorders: Conception and bioactive food factors
Yoshinori MineProfessor, Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Canada Short Biography

Yoshinori Mine
Professor, Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Professor, Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Yoshinori Mine earned his Ph.D. Biochemistry from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in Japan in 1993. Dr. Mine joined the University of Guelph (Ontario, Canada) in 1996 as a faculty member at Department of Food Science. Currently, he is a full professor (since 2005). He is a recipient of PREA (The Premier’s Research Excellence Award) in 2000 and American Egg Board Research award in 2005. Dr. Mine is also an Associate Editor for Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry journal (ACS publications) since 2010 Dr. Mine’s primary research focus is molecular approaches to the study of structure-function relationships of bioactive proteins/peptides and egg allergy. He has published 5 books, 35 book chapters, 14 review articles, 147 original papers to the peer-reviewed international journals.
●Plenary Lecture 5December 4, 2019

Innovation of food science by the integration of multiple omics technologies
Hisanori KatoGraduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Japan Short Biography

Hisanori Kato
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Dr. Hisanori Kato is a Project Professor at Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Toyo. Dr. Kato graduated from The University of Tokyo and was appointed Assistant of The University of Tokyo in 1988 and received his PhD from the University of Tokyo in 1990. He served as a guest researcher at Diabetes Branch, National Institutes of Health, USA (1991-1993). He then became Associate Professor at Utsunomiya University in 1993 and at The University of Tokyo in 1999. He has been at the current position since 2017. Dr. Kato is the Chair of the Organizing Committee of the 22nd International Congress of Nutrition (ICN2021). He is also the President of Asia-Pacific Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics Organization. He is the vice president of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science, and a member of Science Council of Japan (Chair of IUNS subcommittee).
●Plenary Lecture 6December 4, 2019

Flavonoids and inflammation: local and systemic effects
Cesar G. FragaUniversity of Buenos Aires
Argentina Short Biography

Cesar G. Fraga
University of Buenos Aires
University of Buenos Aires
Dr. Fraga is Plenary Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), and Superior Researcher at the National Council of Scientific Research (CONICET), Argentina. He is Associate to the Agricultural Experiment Station-Department of Nutrition at the University of California, Davis, USA. Dr. Fraga received his degree in Chemistry (1980) and his doctoral degree (1985) from the UBA. His research is centered in plant bioactives, mainly flavonoids, as potential health protectors in terms of nutrition and pharmacology, with focus on deciphering the biochemical pathways, mainly those involving redox conditions that affect cardiovascular, renal and intestinal physiology. Dr. Fraga published more than 160 articles most in high impact journals, and delivered more than 110 conferences in scientific meetings. He is member of the Editorial Board of Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Redox Biology, and Food and Function among other journals. He was the president and organizer of two International Conferences in Polyphenols and Health (ICPH 2005 in Davis, and ICPH 2013 in Buenos Aires. He has occupied executive posts at the Society for Free radical Research International and at the Oxygen Club of California.
●Plenary Lecture 7December 5, 2019

A novel system processing mitochondrial-leaked electrons is a target of functional food
Pingfan RaoZZJGS University Joint Center for Food and Nutrition Research
China Short Biography

Pingfan Rao
ZZJGS University Joint Center for Food and Nutrition Research
ZZJGS University Joint Center for Food and Nutrition Research
Pingfan Rao, PhD, is Professor and Director of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) Shanghai Institutes of Biological Sciences (SIBS)-Zhejiang Gongshang University Joint Center of Food and Nutrition Research. He is past President of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFOST), Vice President of the Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology (CIFST), and President-elect of International Association of Traditional and Complimentary Medicine. He recently was appointed as a member of The Chinese National Committee for Future Earth (CNC-FE), and editor-member in-chief of Science of Food, a Nature Partner Journal. Dr. Rao received B.Eng in food technology from Fuzhou University of China, MS in food science from Hiroshima University and PhD in biochemistry from Osaka University of Japan. He is a fellow of International Academy of Food Science and Technology.
●Plenary Lecture 8December 5, 2019

Research and development of functional foods in Japan - History and perspectives
Makoto ShimizuProfessor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Guest Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Japan Short Biography

Makoto Shimizu
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Guest Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Guest Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Dr. Shimizu received the Ph.D. degree in Agricultural and Biological Chemistry from The University of Tokyo (UT) in 1977. After working as Assistant professor of UT and Associate professor of University of Shizuoka, he got a faculty position at UT in 1993, and led a research team working on the interactions between food and intestinal cells. He retired UT in 2013 and is currently a Professor at Tokyo University of Agriculture. Prof. Shimizu is a member of Science Council of Japan since 2003. He is also a member of FoSHU committees, and deeply involved in the scientific and regulatory activities relating functional foods.